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These people are the hard working and dedicated Administrators of these forums. Anything these guys say is the LAW here and it is highly recommend that you listen to their instructions.

Super Moderators
These individuals are second to the Administrators and are also dedicated to the Moderation of these forums. It is HIGHLY recommended that you follow the instructions of these particular staff members as well.

There comes a time when a staff member decides to step down from their duties. We'd like to thank all of those who have worked on our team with us and for those that have stuck around they have been given the title of Retired.

Moderators are regular users of the forum appointed to particular activity forums created by regular users such as yourselves.

Contributors are people who meet the following criteria:
  • 300 Posts or more
  • Member for at least 3 months
  • Active, with at least a few posts a day
And who the staff think are good members. These members gain access to the "Contributors" forum and are able to discuss serious topics about the development of Nexodyne. They may be seen strutting their stuff with their cool gold username.

Donators are those special members who have supported NeoHacks over the years with generous donations of money. These wonderful people can be recognized by names with either a lime green color.

NVT Management
The NVT is the NeoHacks Voting Tournament in which users are put in groups of two into a poll. Everyone then votes for the person they like best out of the two (very crude explanation).

Registered users are just that. They are either new users or users who have yet to earn the right to view the goodies. Follow the rules and be respectful and your time as a Registered User may be a short one. Break the rules and find yourself in the Banned group!

Break the rules enough and this is where you get sent. We RARELY let banned members come back unless we feel you have served your time and paid your debt. Any banned member found coming back without our permission will simply be banned again and any chances of their ban being lifted dwindle.

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