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screaminmonkee 04-08-2012 04:48 PM

How about, we turn this forum around. And turn it into...
*drum roll please*

Ok, enough with the obnoxiousness.

We should turn this forum into a internet marketing discussion. Now hear me out, right now, everyone is trying to make money, online especially. I've learned enough in a year since I started out to be able to contribute. Now I'm not saying Internet Marketing is easy, there's alot of methods out there but one thing I do know is that here, we go way back (joined 2003). Meaning it's a tighter closer group than other shitty forums that have nothing but imbeciles asking and repeating the same thing. Here, we'll be able to add our own skills and ideas to current money making methods without the annoying "HOw I upload to FTP?"..."Please Re-UP"..."how do I do X" . Atleast here we'd be more inclined to help eachother out. I see iridium already tried his hand at monetization with the ads, and bitcoin, but hasn't really made much I'm assuming because the little traffic he is receiving. Let's get this forum back to the days that it used to be, money, is a great motivator :)

I'll be checking this thread everyday. So please, once you guys get this, reply dammit. 2012 IS THE YEAR OF NEXODYNE'S REVIVAL!

Lucas has the right idea with "" from his signature: [ Messed.Info | IB Quotes | Classroom Arcade ] [ Free DragonFable Amulets! (Limited Quantity) ] [ Free Xbox Live Subscriptions! (Limited Quantity) ] [ TPPC Cheats | TPPCRPG! : Auto Attacker and Pokemon Catcher! ]

It's all about what people want, and driving traffic. CPA marketing is the best.

Dragoon 04-08-2012 05:22 PM

I do like money, and more activity around here would be nice; having a more specific focus for the forum would, I think, help quite a bit with that.

btsx 04-08-2012 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by screaminmonkee
but one thing I do know is that here, we go way back (joined 2003). Meaning it's a tighter closer group than other shitty forums that have nothing but imbeciles asking and repeating the same thing.

That's true but there's so few of us left.

Jakub 04-08-2012 10:41 PM

I'm up for this, though I have no knowledge in any marketing whatsoever, or anything about how you would go about doing this. What is it?

Sell it to us...

Also about us being few, I'm sure some people just lurk from time to time.

screaminmonkee 04-09-2012 04:47 AM

Ahhh, survivors! Definitely refreshing.

Alright. Let me go more in-depth.
You ever notice how there's a website for EVERYTHING. You can type in right now into google red eye, and you'll find a million websites about red eye. The reason why is because red eye gets an X amount of searches a day, aka traffic. This traffic, which is pretty much me, you, your mom, you're aunt, your sisters friend is like gold. When they visit your site, and want to know about red eye, they browse, click around, finally click on an ad you have, ch-ching, dolla fity ($1.50) depending on how much you're getting paid per click. Now multiple this by the amount of people searching for red-eye per day? 1k...see the potential? And this is just the surface. This is called SEO (search engine optimization) marketing.

Next, you're wondering, alright I'll buy a domain, make a website. But how do I get Google to show my website up on the first page. This is where SEO comes into play. There's many tactics, first there's whitehat, which pretty much entails you talking about red eyes, blogging about it, different cures, how your sister got it, and slowly but surely Google ranks your site up by just the content you have. But this takes ages, and we live in an instant society, so what do we do? SPAM. Like what you see in the forum right now, fuckers posting their links in their signatures what this does is create "backlinks". When Google sees a backlink coming from ANOTHER site, it automatically assumes, "wow, if this site about red eyes is getting mentioned on this forum, well I'll be damned it must mean it's important" Google then proceeds to rank your page up.

The purpose of this is purely to drive "traffic" to your site, how else would people see your site? This money making method takes some time and patience, but if you have about 100 of these, you're making bank. Just finding the right keywords and niches that aren't saturated, that's the issue. But that's the fun part, finding your own little goldmine.

Of course, there's other methods, that form of monetization I'm talking about is just fishing for advertisement clicks, there's CPA companies that pay you for every email that get's entered or every signup that you get to a dating site. I like more of the blackhat methods, you can make a shitload of cash, only it's unstable but it's good side money.

So who's down? This will be my second attempt at bringing this forum to what it used to be. Blame my hardcore nostalgia. And why don't we start a Skype Group Chat? :)

screaminmonkee 04-09-2012 11:23 PM

We could also form a youtube group. Basically the method is simple. On youtube there's endless amount of traffic. You pick a youtube video that's popular, post your comment. Then we collectively can "thumbs up" your comment so it sticks to the top of the video. There's people making 50/day doing this. Alot of cooperation we would need but it'd be definately profitable.

btsx 04-10-2012 01:58 PM

I have more experience with paid traffic, though I'd like to think I'm fairly knowledgeable about SEO and ranking websites as well.

Jakub 04-10-2012 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by btsx
I have more experience with paid traffic, though I'd like to think I'm fairly knowledgeable about SEO and ranking websites as well.

Can we move this discussion to the contributor forum?

Dragoon 04-11-2012 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by Jakub
Can we move this discussion to the contributor forum?

We still have a contributor board? I'm not seeing it. Is it just not visible on the main index?

Edit: And speaking of boards, do we still have any admins around? Would be nice to merge a few of the boards together and/or get rid of some of the ones that don't get any activity.

Iridium 04-14-2012 03:28 PM

Yep, still admins here. Iffer and Bid are often spotted around too.

Elite 04-27-2012 07:21 PM

I still lurk every now and then for what its worth

Dragoon 04-27-2012 09:45 PM

Interesting note, and somewhat back on topic: Since I added the link to my signature, I've gotten a couple hits a day on my word generator thing from searches for "random word generator"

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