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Dragoon 08-02-2010 10:12 AM

What are you taking now/next semester?
For those of you who are in school now, what are you taking (now and/or next semester)?

Just started this summer.

Over the summer I'm taking Math 380 - Elementary Algebra (because I barely paid attention in high school. Nearly finished, this is the last week of class) and Art 4 - Art Appreciation (a very short online class).

Next semester I'm taking Math 120 - Intermediate Algebra, Political Science 10 - American Institutions, Sociology 1 - Intro to Sociology, and Astronomy 1 - Intro to Astronomy.

I'm stuck focusing on general education because the local university I had intended to transfer to cut Computer Science, and the community college I'm going to now followed suit.

breakfast 08-02-2010 03:42 PM

Fall 2010:

Engineering Thermodynamics
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies I
Orientation to Cooperative Education
Calculus III
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics II
Electricity and Magnetism

Winter 2011:

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Materials Science II
Differential Equations
Mechanical Design I
Engineering Graphics and CAD
Introductory Statistics for Engineering

kitty4uhig 09-01-2010 12:14 AM


Dragoon 05-09-2012 07:26 PM

Next Fall:

CS 211 Data Structures
CS 235 Java Programming
CS 243 Architecture
CS 315 Database Design & Implement
PHIL 107 Intro to Philosophy

lambertodini 11-07-2013 04:52 AM

Good information,I appreciate your information.

SnoringFrog 01-01-2014 11:56 PM

Coming up on my last semester. Here's what I can remember that I'm taking:

Software Engineering II
Number Theory
some class I have to take about my Honors thesis
and one or two general ed classes that got pushed off till now.

Dragoon 01-02-2014 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by SnoringFrog
Coming up on my last semester. Here's what I can remember that I'm taking:

Software Engineering II
Number Theory
some class I have to take about my Honors thesis
and one or two general ed classes that got pushed off till now.

Last semester for me as well.

Software Engineering
Computer Security
Theories of Ethics
Intro to Social Work
Math and Culture
And a 1 unit Archery PE class, just because.

breakfast 02-13-2014 03:52 AM

This is my final semester:

Process Control for ME
Senior ME Lab
Vibrations and sound
Applied computational fluid dynamics
Sociology - Industry
Intro Marketing

and a professional intro/ethics course

Dragoon 08-08-2014 06:31 PM

I'm done--graduated with high honors, outstanding student of the year in my department, and I got a job. Hurrah! Another milestone checked off on the slow march towards death.

Godkarmachine O Inary 08-08-2014 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Dragoon
I'm done--graduated with high honors, outstanding student of the year in my department, and I got a job. Hurrah! Another milestone checked off on the slow march towards death.

Congrats man!

Dragoon 08-18-2014 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by Godkarmachine O Inary
Congrats man!

Thanks! I started the job a week ago, and I'm really enjoying it so far.

Liam 08-28-2014 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by breakfast
This is my final semester:

Process Control for ME
Senior ME Lab
Vibrations and sound
Applied computational fluid dynamics
Sociology - Industry
Intro Marketing

and a professional intro/ethics course

I believe you may be me

Senior year of Mech Eng ftw

breakfast 09-29-2014 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by Liam
I believe you may be me

Senior year of Mech Eng ftw

I'm all done man. I believe in you.

camtuquynh 12-02-2016 05:04 AM

so good

futurepartner 05-06-2023 07:25 AM


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