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Christouffer 09-03-2002 08:54 PM

I'll miss you all
Well everyone, Im going to quote god and say "unfortunatly the time has come". It is now my time to leave the ranks of the wonderful members. The board really has lot its magic, and has become more of a n00b board. We used to be the golden palace of Neopets boards, and now we wallow in the shallows with everyone else. There is no one reason for this, but I will tell what I think should be done to one: allow us return to our beautiful palace and two: to possibly make me consider returning. The board started going down hill when Curt left. He wasnt the best person, but he ruled with an Iron Fist, and at the same time was intelligent. He kept things in line, while now we seem to sway the rules with each case. Then we began letting the entire board into the UG. When Curt was here there were maybe 5 people in there, and there was no leakage. Now we have an overflow of people, and so many programs out there, its almost pointless to be in the UG as you can get any of our programs on the "black market". The same goes with the moderators and admins. Yes, the board has grown, and yes we needed more than 4 mods but we have chosen the wrong people. With so many people, we can never fully agree on things and that creates dissention among the mods, which then trickles down to the members. Most recently we have lost out best admins ever. Joey was the best person I have ever met on the internet, and was an overall amazing people person. god, god, leaves me speechless. People started expecting things from these two, when the whole time they needed to be grateful for what Joey and Irid had done. Finally, I see Neohacks being ripped to shreads with the family thing. It has been very interesting to watch the evolution of the board, and I know that soon the board will be split. The mods will split, and then the members. Much like a cell, Neohacks will split into two and will have "reproduced". What follows is my goodbyes to specific people.

BRM- I miss you already :) You are a wonder person, and I am glad I got to be BRP for a short time.

Fettboy- I honor you for sticking with the board, for sticking with Neopets, and for being the only part of old Neohacks that is still truly with us.

Midget man- its been great talkingto you, and teaching you a few things, hope to see you on AIM sometime.

Anna- Sorry your "husband" walks out on you, and you have to be an only mom, Im sure you can handle our (how many?) kids on your won

Stallisha- your funny quotes idea will always entertain me, hope to see you too on AIM

Darkness- yes, you can always ask me for ftp but I still cant believe you havent figured out the new invention, its called "paper and pencil"

Meka- oops, I mean Michelle. Man, I cant think of what to say, your kinda up there with god in my mind. I cant express how great of a person you are, and I cant wait to talk to you on AIM. We know what will happen, but please dont say anythign as trust in my parents has gone down to zero (something I will tell you about later, when I know its safe)

Ghost- Didnt get to know you too well, but form what I figure, your a smart guy who likes to keep to himself, or your smart and never really liked me. Keep the spikes, they rock. Good luck trying to manage this place.

Khild- We had some good times a while ago, and then things sort ended, I forget why, but I kinda remember it wasnt a good thing, or maybe it was that you just left. idk

Tdogg- good luck with your scars healing. Sorry for everything I have put you through, Im such an idiot.

And finally, Jdawg. I knew you would be wondering where you fit in, so I purposely put you last to keep you guessing. Jdawg is my best friend on the board (except for maybe meka). You deserve to be a Moderator, and and admin, and if there was anything after that you should have it too. You some how rrepresent old Neohacks even though you were never there. You have grown so much, improved yourself, and gained much respect. Only because of your name do people not look up to you. So, I ask everyone to discard all former opinions of him and look at him the way he is now. Maybe I am wrong, but this is what I have seen of Joeseph.

Charchar- your great! You helped with my thieves guild and your on the road to success. Keep learnign about omputers and one day youll be up there will Billy.

Alright everyone, I know I left out most mods and admins and thats because I either dont feel like messing things up between you all, or I just didnt know you too well, Apache for example. The members, I know I have forgetten lots of you, only because you have slipped my mind right now not because its something personall. PM me and I may recieve it and change my post.

Finally, ways to get in contact with me:
I now play Everquest. Im on the Sulosek Ru server (or somethign very similar to that) I hang out around Ak'Anon. My username is Zorbinnius.
I will be getting back into calculators soon once my contact gets back from his Navy job. Looks for things I do here:
You can always PM me but I cant guaruntee a fast response.
Soon my dad will be getting dial up (woohoo) and I wont be playing EQ at his house, so I guess Ill be on AIM there my AIM is xchristifferx my msn is but that will be changing soon.
Also, my email adress should still be working and you can email me there
And I guess if your desperate, keep in touch with Irid and Artemis because she is going to MIT and he plans to. I also think Ill be heading there, but thats about3 years away.

Well everyone, sorry it wasnt as poetic as my other speeches but I did use the comma a couple of times.


Fettboy2 09-03-2002 09:28 PM

Re:I'll miss you all
:'( So sad to see you go Chris, you were awesome. Granted, we didn't talk to terribly much, but when we did, you were damn cool. Have fun with the rest of your life, doing whatever it is you plan to do now. I'll miss ya Chris.

Sweet Dreamer 09-03-2002 10:24 PM

Re:I'll miss you all't...leave...what...

Well.. its bad.. and then it gets worse... Bye Chris, thank you for all the help you've ever given me. I seriously apreciate it, seriously, and don't worry, SOMEHOW my memory fixed itself so I used my brain...the pencil and paper aren't necessary.

Meka 09-04-2002 08:11 AM

Re:I'll miss you all
It's so sad to see you go Chris
Don't worry I wont say anything...lucky you remembered the Michelle bit, other wise it would have been a different matter. You too have become one of my best friends from this board; I know it won't stop here now your leaving

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