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Old 05-12-2010, 07:33 PM
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Liam Liam is offline
Biceps made out of Steel Cobras
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Canada eh?
Age: 34
Posts: 1,705
Liam is a jewel in the roughLiam is a jewel in the rough
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we need people to make posts! sign up! do your bit!

We need a group of elite post posting posters as part of our "make nh awesome, very cool, or at least a nice plan to hang out and post again" campaign.

Basically anybody who wants to sign up has to make at least 5 content rich posts every day. According to our scientists and advisers, and a board of nuclear physicists, if we get like 10 people to sign up for this committee we'll have 50 new posts a day and also the secret to cooking jiffy pop is in the wrist action. Or 350 new posts a week. Which is pretty sweet. And the popcorn is delicious.

In today's economy you can't get sumthin for numthin. So anybody who signs up will receive gender specific user titles. For guys, your user title will read "Biceps made out of Steel Cobras" and for ladies your user title will read "Strong, Independent Woman. Also Biceps made out Steel Cobras."

Of course user titles are negotiable if user meets certain criteria including but not limited to:
-User is male trapped in females body
-User is female trapped in males body
-User is velociraptor

Sign up guys, it will probably actually be really fun because we'll start to know each other again. I don't think it will be a chore. Eventually the momentum of this team will resurrect our community.

Also in case anybody is wondering the new forum layout is out TOMORROW!

Biceps of Cobra Steel
  • Liam
  • Kate
  • CO3
  • Dawgy
  • Zato2p20o
  • Alphasee
  • Godkarmachine O Inary
  • Bid
  • Shadowsturm
  • EM2915

If you read this sentence you are gay.
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