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Old 05-12-2010, 07:47 PM
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Liam Liam is offline
Biceps made out of Steel Cobras
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Canada eh?
Age: 34
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Liam is a jewel in the roughLiam is a jewel in the rough
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New Forum Structure and Posting Committee

Forum Structure

UPDATE - The new forum structure is up!

-Our new forum structure debuts tomorrow! It's going to be awesome, and a lot of us are going to run out of jizz. Don't worry though, it comes back.

Posting Committee

-Complete information and thread here:

-We're looking for members to make 5 content rich posts a day! If we get 10 people doing this we'll have 350 new posts a week =O The momentum generated by this brave group of individuals is going to revitalize our forum. The new forum structure is in effect tomorrow, and I really think we're going to rediscover what we used to love about this place.

-Incentive Program:

In today's economy you can't get sumthin for numthin. So anybody who signs up will receive gender specific user titles. For guys, your user title will read "Biceps made out of Steel Cobras" and for ladies your user title will read "Strong, Independent Woman. Also Biceps made out Steel Cobras."

Of course user titles are negotiable if user meets certain criteria including but not limited to:
-User is male trapped in females body
-User is female trapped in males body
-User is velociraptor

If you read this sentence you are gay.
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