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Old 06-10-2011, 07:18 PM
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Rick Rick is offline
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Originally Posted by Dragoon
Played some Mortal Kombat over the weekend, it was pretty good. And a FFVII sounds like a good idea, I'll have to dig up a copy.

Trying Astro Empires, after seeing Rick's post.

Edit: I'm going to name all my planets by refreshing /b/ until I get a Captcha that looks good enough. First planet is Pulsar Meringes.

What server on AE you playing? I'm on Ixion -- you should start in I11 haha, it's a massive stronghold set up by the guild I'm in.

Spaceboats are goddamned fun.

Also, I'm downloading The Witcher 2 right now.. it looks really fuckin good.
(7:32:05 PM) Crescent0mega: brb smoking this 4 year old cock

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