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Old 11-30-2010, 01:00 AM
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tl;dr A big garbage mash up of some ideas from the book Seth Speaks.

i read this little (BIG&FAT) book called seth speaks.

apparantely woman becomes medium for a ghost named seth and he dictates out a whole book whenever she's under trance (hubby writes it all down)

real or not, who cares

it poses an interesting concept that when we die we go into a different plane of existence...where we are still existing just not in physical terms.. there you can set up your next life what problems you want to face what lessons you might wnat to teach yourself in your next life and you set up with your friends who willl be who how you will meet and such and then are born.

then it goes onto talking about how if your soul advances enough you go to another stage (which there are endless possiblities of stages)... where you get to design your own universe and let it grow into it's own thing.
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Old 11-30-2010, 01:58 AM
EM2915 EM2915 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jakub
tl;dr A big garbage mash up of some ideas from the book Seth Speaks.

i read this little (BIG&FAT) book called seth speaks.

apparantely woman becomes medium for a ghost named seth and he dictates out a whole book whenever she's under trance (hubby writes it all down)

real or not, who cares

it poses an interesting concept that when we die we go into a different plane of existence...where we are still existing just not in physical terms.. there you can set up your next life what problems you want to face what lessons you might wnat to teach yourself in your next life and you set up with your friends who willl be who how you will meet and such and then are born.

then it goes onto talking about how if your soul advances enough you go to another stage (which there are endless possiblities of stages)... where you get to design your own universe and let it grow into it's own thing.

This is a pretty neat concept.
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Old 03-11-2012, 06:18 AM
VeroMcLean VeroMcLean is offline
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Originally Posted by Biddykins
Time certainly does exist, just not in the integer based way we think of it. There is a now, a before, and an after, its just not enclosed within a little capsule of 'this is how long the universe is' like we think. Our universe will have a start and end point, yes, but outside of that there's other universes, and it's not the case where if you go back far enough you'll find the 'original' universe and work out how long the whole of time is. Time does exist, it's just not got any start or end points like we think of it.

Yes! i appreciate your unique quotes. Our universe has a stat and end. But hawking is telling that God is not exist so how this universe is created.
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