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Old 05-15-2010, 02:49 AM
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Ever been totally screwed over by an exam?

We had an exam yesterday, one of the sections was on EQ (Equalisation, making music sound pretty, etc). I revised everything we'd done in class on it, as well as all the past questions he's asked on it in exams, and some extra tutorial sheets he's given us, I felt pretty well versed on the topic....

We walk in, sit down, question is (for 50% of the marks) 'What was xxxxs theory on the relation of impulse response to the Q of the signal?'. I've never heard of whoever the guy was, and what the hell. So I just guessed randomly at the answer in a logical sort of fashion, and just hope to god I was right, otherwise I have blatantly failed that exam.

Do you think it's total crap a teacher is allowed to do that? Has it ever happened to you? It's pretty much the worst feeling ever, you've revised your ass off, and he throws a wrench at you. Lame.
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Old 05-15-2010, 04:18 AM
CO3 CO3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Biddykins
We had an exam yesterday, one of the sections was on EQ (Equalisation, making music sound pretty, etc). I revised everything we'd done in class on it, as well as all the past questions he's asked on it in exams, and some extra tutorial sheets he's given us, I felt pretty well versed on the topic....

We walk in, sit down, question is (for 50% of the marks) 'What was xxxxs theory on the relation of impulse response to the Q of the signal?'. I've never heard of whoever the guy was, and what the hell. So I just guessed randomly at the answer in a logical sort of fashion, and just hope to god I was right, otherwise I have blatantly failed that exam.

Do you think it's total crap a teacher is allowed to do that? Has it ever happened to you? It's pretty much the worst feeling ever, you've revised your ass off, and he throws a wrench at you. Lame.

Total garbage. Instructors who do that should be fired. Placing a ridiculous amount of credit into a single obscure question is overly dramatic and something you'd see in a cheap television show from ten years ago. Luckily this has never happened to me, because if it did, I'd probably rage so hard my face would explode. I would reconsider my options for an education and probably file a formal complaint against the instructor.
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Old 05-15-2010, 06:29 AM
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I had one last semester from this total jackass of a prof. The exam was at least a three and a half hour exam in a two hour time period. It wasn't humanly possible to finish in the time we had.

And he made it open book, great right? No. The questions were designed for an open book exam and so you had to go and get quotes and passages and stuff which took extra time. I had an A going in so it's not that I didn't know what I was talking about. He just made an impossible exam. Needless to say I didn't end the course with an A.
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Old 05-15-2010, 09:34 AM
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I'm a business major in all technicality, but it is a computer major. I'm required to take business finance as a result.

Test time comes along and we have a review day, finding out that the test is just a mere 5 questions long in a 50 minute time frame. He goes over the practice test, and basically says to look over the practice test and the book. There were also recordings online of him doing example problems, so I watched them as well.

I go into the test, and I see two questions I had never really seen before. I think I had seen one of the questions in like, the first week of class in the recitation section (outside of the actual teaching lecture) but that was it.

Needless to say, I did poorly and dropped so I didn't make such a horrible grade in the class. Now I'm taking it this summer.

I am not a happy camper.

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Old 05-15-2010, 02:48 PM
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I screwed up my grade 12 academic IB advanced math exam, not so much screwed over by though. Basically we had to do an exam for our report card mark, and an exam to send away to IB (which the teachers aren't allowed to look at or mark, necessitating 2.) The tests are the exact same layout, just different data. I just had a bad day during the academic exam and made a 54% (counted for 30% of my report card mark.) I studied maybe once more after that between my academic exam and my IB exam, went in, and completely aced the IB exam. I think there is a good probability I actually made 100%.

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Old 06-30-2010, 04:46 AM
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that is the definition of engineering good sir
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Old 07-11-2010, 11:54 AM
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Something useful one!!!
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Old 07-16-2010, 05:41 AM
CO3 CO3 is offline
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I had a midterm last quarter where most every question was full of viable answers, but one was just slightly more viable than the others.

God damn it.
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Old 07-17-2010, 04:45 AM
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Originally Posted by CO3
I had a midterm last quarter where most every question was full of viable answers, but one was just slightly more viable than the others.

God damn it.

.... and that is the definition of a multiple choice test

which makes me hate my 3 hour written exams a little bit less
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Old 07-18-2010, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by breakfast
.... and that is the definition of a multiple choice test

which makes me hate my 3 hour written exams a little bit less

I prefer written exams as most people would figure, but it went beyond a standard multiple choice annoyance. The answers were so close together they were all correct. After it was over I consulted my notes and materials and they all said the same thing.

A lot of students complained and no one made a good grade.
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Old 07-18-2010, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by CO3
I had a midterm last quarter where most every question was full of viable answers, but one was just slightly more viable than the others.

God damn it.

Thats how ongoing med school is for me
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Old 07-19-2010, 02:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Elite
Thats how ongoing med school is for me

Yep everyone I mention it to seems to say that it's similar to how med school exams are. I do not envy you. (Though I do commend you. Good job sticking it out like that. What were you going to do again?)
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Old 07-31-2010, 06:34 AM
007buldog 007buldog is offline
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Old 09-03-2010, 11:47 AM
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I somehow passed this exam, with 13%, hahaha.

Apparently cause everyone did shockingly bad, all our grades got ramped up and the criteria for passing got lowered, I actually got a C- with that grade.

6 people failed...they must have literally got not one bit right.
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Old 09-12-2010, 10:31 PM
breakfast breakfast is offline
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Originally Posted by Biddykins
I somehow passed this exam, with 13%, hahaha.

Apparently cause everyone did shockingly bad, all our grades got ramped up and the criteria for passing got lowered, I actually got a C- with that grade.

6 people failed...they must have literally got not one bit right.

see: grading on a curve
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