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Old 05-14-2010, 01:55 AM
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Do you keep in shape?

Im gonna be honest, I don't at the moment. I have way too much crap going on to bother. Buuuut, I finish uni today for the summer, so I'm gonna actually put a decent effort into shifting some of the pudge I've built up over the year, go running, eat protein shakes and all that good stuff. No gyms though, they're full of some of the worst people on the planet.
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Old 05-14-2010, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Biddykins
Im gonna be honest, I don't at the moment. I have way too much crap going on to bother. Buuuut, I finish uni today for the summer, so I'm gonna actually put a decent effort into shifting some of the pudge I've built up over the year, go running, eat protein shakes and all that good stuff. No gyms though, they're full of some of the worst people on the planet.

I obviously do not (for those who've seen me). I started a real big diet and exercise plan last year but coincidentally I've been suffering from very bad bouts of vertigo since and it's difficult to be up very long because the medicine I take to make the motion sickness dull keeps me very tired. I stayed on the diet though and I'm losing weight (though not as fast as I want) gradually. I've dropped about 25 pounds so far.

Soon enough all the fat jokes are going to turn into flabby skin jokes. I've also started weight training in my spare time since it's something I can do, and since I'm a large framed person over six feet tall, I think muscle would look good on me.
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Old 05-14-2010, 08:05 AM
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I've been lucky with the fact that I've never really -had- to exercise and all that garbage to keep in shape. However, having said that I could be in better shape but I've always lacked the motivation. I'll tell myself I'll eventually do it but I never end up doing so.

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Old 05-14-2010, 07:00 PM
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I have like, on and off periods. I was going to the gym steady for a month ish recently but then was hired full time and it completely messed up my schedule. Sometimes I feel like I'll only be able to do the gym with conviction after all my schoolin is done, but then real life takes up all of your time. You've really just got to make the time. The worst is when you pick something up and drop it, and then years later you're like "man i would have been so awesome at that right now"

I started lifting in grade 9 but never stuck with it, imagine 4 years of that. I should be ripped right now.

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Old 05-14-2010, 07:10 PM
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I try to, but a lot of times I'm lazy and that leads to slacking off. I hit the treadmill and elliptical daily now to work on my cardio.
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Old 11-03-2012, 02:00 AM
Eilson Eilson is offline
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I like to do exercise daily because i want to keep myself fit. My body is fit and i have a wonderful body shape because i never skip to do exercise. Anyway its a nice thread.
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Old 11-20-2012, 11:55 PM
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I am also in the favor of doing cardio and exercise outdoor rather to go in a close boring gym. Gym is suitable only for building up huge muscles and for general body fitness gym is not necessary. You should try bicycling its the best exercise to get into shape...
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Old 09-12-2015, 05:23 AM
khoitrang khoitrang is offline
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I was never in a professional gym, but that will happen in the near future
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Old 07-03-2023, 03:33 AM
Jeembo Jeembo is offline
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Originally Posted by Frank222
I am also in the favor of doing cardio and exercise outdoor rather to go in a close boring gym. Gym is suitable only for building up huge muscles and for general body fitness gym is not necessary. You should try bicycling its the best exercise to get into shape...

Completely agree. I don't mind lifting personally, but I'm much rather do a hiking trail than go to a gym! The only downside is initial investment I'd say since you need some sort of gear, but If you research - probably can find a few local outdoor stores like https://gritroutdoors.com/ with open box/sales and save a pretty penny(those folks in particular sometimes do 70% discounts on damaged packaging. Item is brand new but you get it on huge discount just 'cause packaging was damaged )
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