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Old 06-03-2010, 05:21 AM
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Biddykins Biddykins is offline
I am Bid!  
Join Date: Oct 2001
Age: 37
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Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.Biddykins is a God.
I suck at keeping friends

Anyone else find themselves in this situation? As you grow up, keeping hold of your friends just becomes ridiculously difficult. When I was younger I had a small group of maybe 5-8 friends who I was really close with, as I got to college it became a different group, then uni, another group, but outside of this small group of friends I suck at keeping contact with anyone else. I think it's cause I can't physically see them often, so have to rely on facebook/msn/etc, and I suck at keeping contact with people over the Internet. Ugh. On the other hand, I'd hate to be one of those people with 4000 'friends', who they're not actually close to at all.
"Bid is the man of the hour, get him a damn award or somthing."
"I party with my dad, we've done a few things together I probably shouldn't speak about."
"As a Christian, I find all forms of religion (except Christianity) to be very harmful to it's members"
"If he is not smart enough to invent something to improve his own quality of life how is he smart enough to tell us all there is no GOD"
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