04-18-2008, 07:27 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Age: 37
Posts: 6,724
Nexodyne Game Sprite Design Competition!
Nexodyne Game Sprite Design Competition!
I've been tossing this idea around for a while now, and since I've finally gotten around to actually programming the game, I thought it was time to post the contest.
Rules:- Entrants will design a sprite for a game, following the character description below.
- Game will be a side scrolling, 16 bit kind of feel, so keep this in mind when designing, no 3DSMax models and stuff, just good old photoshop, or even paint, whatever.
- Sprite will be no larger than 200x200 pixels. This may change later though, so if you'd all like to make a bigger version as well (say 500x500 or whatnot) that'd be great.
Entrants may design as many sprites as they like. - There must be 3 different movements for the sprite pictured, these again will be described below.
Character description:
The character is a small, lovable, kirby type blob. He's intended to be yellow, and I'd prefer if you did keep him yellow, but if you really want to make him a different colour go for it. The 3 sprites I'll need (probably 4 actually) are a walking sprite (probably best to make 2 sprites, one with each foot forward, to make the walking animation work better, or if you don't give him feet then of him shuffling or whatever), a jumping sprite (he'll need his head, arm, or something extended so he can destroy thins above him believably), and a butt bouncing sprite (think mickey mouse on the old Castle Of Illusion, legs tucked, ass out, ready to squish someone, with some kind of lines or something about him indicating hes going down).
The Important Part: The Prize!
The winner will receive a 50 currency cash prize (currency meaning dollars, pounds, whatever your currency is), as well as a mention in the credits of the game as a designer, as well as an appearance in the game at some point (be it as a character, villain, whatever, i haven't decided yet).
Any questions, post in this thread.
"Bid is the man of the hour, get him a damn award or somthing."
"I party with my dad, we've done a few things together I probably shouldn't speak about."
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