12-31-2008, 05:42 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Age: 37
Posts: 6,724
Two Big Announcements For 09!
There's two things I've been planning on doing for a while, that I'll kick off in the new year. Look forward to announcements on them both possibly on news years day, or possibly a few days later depending on how busy I am. They're seperate from each other completely, but both should be a bit of fun that (hopefully) lasts us the whole year.
Discuss (and guess what they are) here
"Bid is the man of the hour, get him a damn award or somthing."
"I party with my dad, we've done a few things together I probably shouldn't speak about."
"As a Christian, I find all forms of religion (except Christianity) to be very harmful to it's members"
"If he is not smart enough to invent something to improve his own quality of life how is he smart enough to tell us all there is no GOD"