01-03-2009, 01:03 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Age: 37
Posts: 6,724
Chuck The Nexodyne Truck - World Tour!
So I forgot about doing this last night, but I figured you'd all guessed what it was already (second announcement still forthcoming) so yeah, Chuck the Nexodyne Truck will be going on his world tour this year. First we'll collect the addresses. We'll then draw up a map with a route on it to see where he's going, and then he makes his trip. All of us will take a photo with him, and then we can make an album with them once it's all done. Unfortunately I lost a lot of the PMs with addresses in (and you all may have moved or whatever) so PM me your addresses again and we'll get the ball rolling with this thing.
Discuss here
"Bid is the man of the hour, get him a damn award or somthing."
"I party with my dad, we've done a few things together I probably shouldn't speak about."
"As a Christian, I find all forms of religion (except Christianity) to be very harmful to it's members"
"If he is not smart enough to invent something to improve his own quality of life how is he smart enough to tell us all there is no GOD"