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Old 07-17-2002, 11:31 AM
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Neohacks Upgrade

I am happy to inform you that Neohacks upgrade to a newer version of yabb se has completed successfuly!
here's a list of bugs fixed and features added:
-added a new very optimized boardindex by Joseph Fung (wow)
-added sql database optimization
-added couple more language files
-added new IM message mod
-added previous and next to bottom of screen as well
-added go button back to jumpto box
-added go up and down mod
-added calendar (add images and SQL changes) - Aaron O'Neil
-added ability to NOT leave remnant - Joseph Fung
-added Custom Titles
-added Report to Moderator
-added Announcement Boards
-added Error Log
-added User Post Lock (optional now)
-added Topic Summary Posts
-added Package Manager (updated)
-added SSI.php
-added MSN
-added new stats area for visitors to see
-added secret question for forgotten password
-added additional user icon resizing
-added user online status
-added image attatchment resizing
-added improved YaBBpak center
-added user selectable languages
-added compact topic pages mod (1...4,5,6...10)

-fixed attachment error arrayname
-fixed IM error name_name
-fixed globals off error
-fixed missing link to profile in email registration
-fixed infamous Post.php 744 error
-fixed Inactive Members - Aaron O'neil
-fixed report to moderator text - Compuart
-fixed empty settings causing crashes
-fixed bug in Reminder.php
-fixed polls in announcement boards
-fixed user appearing online after changing password and being logged out
-fixed email notify, send to last page
-fixed poll title bar missing class information
-fixed a small quote bug - Dave Smulders
-fixed inline links in create poll screen
-fixed some hardcoded language (yse237-240)
-fixed message icon on message preview
-fixed empty delimiter on profile change (supressed rather than fixed)
-fixed small bug with logging in during maint mode - Pablo
-fixed use of Alt0160 on subject line ?
-fixed ~ breaking URLs
-fixed some nasty table behaviour
-fixed class information missing from various spots - Chris Cromer
-fixed link to support forums
-fixed QueryString problem - Compuart
-fixed empty delimiter on register
-fixed URL getting changed in code block - Compuart
-fixed large text area, added style to style sheet - macterra
-fixed problem with viewing topics when sticky topics disabled
-fixed problem with websiteURL saving incorrectly
-fixed cry smiley
-fixed white space problem with previous / next mod
-fixed email link problem caused by emails starting with numbers
-fixed encrypted passwords stored in database when member gets emailed a new password
-fixed censor word problems
-fixed IM name bug
-fixed quote problems in signature, custome title, and personal text.
-fixed logging out from a restricted forum results in error
-fixed Announcement notification bug, causing emails not sent
-fixed icon showing new post when logged in as a guest
-fixed several wrong message problems and messages with weird symbols in them.
-fixed some language file specific problems
-fixed a small registration bug
-fixed a birthday bug causing age to show as 2001
-fixed problem with reserved names
-fixed double http:// in autolinked url's
-fixed a quote: and code: not showing up problem, plus made them bold
-fixed an IM security hole
-fixed some calendar mod specivic bugs
-fixed view inactive members bug that caused it to take too long on large boards
-fixed url in code block bug
-fixed language of notification
-fixed flash-tags without http://-prefix
-fixed Apostrophe problems
-fixed Template implode error
-fixed Empty delimiter error
-fixed Some email problems
-fixed Added better cookie routines (trying to clean up login problems)
-fixed Prefix issues on installer

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