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sharonlouis (27), dmelift (27), Alpona777 (24), richardsimmons (22), esolutionSEO (21), richardapgr25 (20), marinde (19), cdyduocnhatrang (18), wiccan_religion (17), VictorTurner (17), suksesmuda472 (17), clarajuy (17), kasuozen (17), ArdRhys (16), jonhbui (15), jenrynaruto (12), anhbongda365 (12), mimi167 (12), haumonnutke (12), daniellee (12), aliongalong (12), TanyaStroh (10), Leahfisch (10), laradana (10), irfanpangestu (8), yeniwita (8), terrellboyd (7) Birthdays
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mmelhado01 (48), tzass105 (36), DontHateMe (26), KamronGamble (23), xian805 (20), davidjeams22 (19), Alexhales (18), duchuymobile (17), hirelaptops (17), VaoBongTV (17), winaemilia (16), Keelet (14), robinsubang (12), mhndidsgns (9), PearlShims07 (8) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
zharineYT, Big Red Momma (102), robbenwells (37), micdav11 (18), julian44 (18), Avana50mg_ (17), SrMosT (14), aqufnlytte (13), sibylmor09 (12), dhuiuras (10) Birthdays
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Cecilia257 (32), davidward80 (27), ronsmith (21), james554 (21), TerryLee (21), tekkiweb (19), alpha22 (17), srobin11 (17), corumhealth (17), penutbuttajelly (15), kisss (9) Birthdays
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hungrynomad (31), Willbegley (30), Ceci (17), Ceci22 (17), tranhuonggiang (14), Rae12 (9) Birthdays
December 2006
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> 31 123456
January 2007
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